How did slavery in northern colonies differ

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM131461261 , Length: word count : 300

How did slavery in Northern colonies differ from the enslavement of Africans in the Southern colonies?


To be specific on the duties, treatment, population and economic need found in each region

Also focus on each regions beliefs and views about African Americans and slavery.


Darlene Hine, William Hine, and Stanley Harrold.

The African-American Odyssey: Volume I, 6th ed. New Jersey: Pearson 2014.

Your initial response to the question should be between 250 - 300 words long. Include references and citations where necessary to ensure proper credit and documentation of your sources. You are welcome to include references in addition to the course textbook, just ensure that you use proper documentation.

Reference no: EM131461261

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