How collaboration tools can improve team communication

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132385832

PowerPoint Presentation

In this assignment, you will create a presentation for your organization to explain how successful collaboration can improve success and provide competitive advantages.

Scenario: Your organization has used a variety of collaboration systems developed by some project managers. Some of these systems were successful while others were not. Your organization has one unique challenge-many of your employees are staffed at other locations or work from home (telework). You would like to standardize the collaboration process to improve team communication for all company projects. In your presentation, you should include the elements listed below.

Explain why collaboration information systems (IS) are important from the organization's perspective.

Discuss how collaboration tools can improve team communication.

Identify three tools that will be used for synchronous communications and three tools that will be used for asynchronous communications. Be sure to explain why you made these choices.

Describe how project files, such as Microsoft (MS) Word, MS Excel, MS Project, and MS Visio, will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.

Explain how the task list for managing tasks will be shared with team members. Be sure to explain the rationale behind your choice.

Discuss how this new collaboration IS could provide competitive advantages for your organization.

Your presentation should be a minimum of six slides in length (not counting the title and reference slides). Use of images, graphics, and diagrams is encouraged.

You can use an industry of your choosing or examples from your personal or professional experiences in developing this assignment. You can also use the resources in the Unit II Suggested Reading section to assist you with this assignment.

Be sure to follow the 7x7 rule (i.e., there should be no more than 7 words per line and no more than 7 lines per slide). You are required to use speaker notes to discuss the bullet points on your slides.

You must use at least two academic resources to support your presentation, and you must cite (in APA format) any information on your slides or in your speaker notes that came from these sources.

Attachment:- Unit II.rar

Reference no: EM132385832

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