How can we make sure our research designs are valid

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132397273

Comment on the meaning of measurement in research - you may focus on one of the core concepts (e.g,., levels of measurement, reliability or validity, discuss how it is important as a foundation for developing a data analysis plan. At the end of your post, post a question about the measurement in research that you chose to talk about.

Validity In Research

Validity in research is extremely important! If a research design is not using the correct measures, the validity of the design could be questioned and the study could be viewed as bad or non scientific. For example, the podcast this week described that college students are a main cohort tested for research studies. This can pose as a possible issue for test validity as testing only college students limits the testing sample. This can have a significant impact on the findings of the study. It is ery important o make sure a study has a wide range of participants that make up the population the study is trying to study. Narrowing in on one particular population makes the research too specific and could cause the results to be too specific. If the researchers want to generalize their information this could be a problem due to the test validity.

Question: how can we make sure our research designs are valid?

Attachment:- Global Social Work and Practice with Immigrants.rar

Reference no: EM132397273

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