House of representatives economics committee

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Reference no: EM131514053

Background of Case On 2009 Fiscal Stimulus "... Governments everywhere are discussing or implementing "stimulus" packages ...I doubt Australia need much fiscal stimulus, except that which improves national productivity and competitiveness ..." ("We need stimulus that boosts productivity, not 'sugar hits'" Henry Thornton, The Australian Feb 3 2009) "...Kelvin Rudd's $42 billion National Building and Jobs Plan is likely to disappoint ... Most of this $12.7 billion handout will be saved ... What's spent will have "no long-run benefits ... (I)t has gone to capital works that will not have big supply-side payoffs ..." ("Keynes out of drawer" Michael Stutchbury, The Weekend Australian Feb 14-15 2009) Critics have argued against the Australian government's fiscal stimulus in 2009 claiming that it may not be effective in the short term and has no benefits in the long term.

You have been tasked by the House of Representatives Economics Committee to answer the following questions:

1) Using data drawn from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), present either Tables or Diagrams showing Australia's economic growth from 2007 to 2015. Describe the trend and examine the cyclical movements.

2) Discuss and analyse the effectiveness of the fiscal and monetary policies employed in 2009, illustrating with aggregate demand-aggregate supply models. In your discussion, critically evaluate the above arguments put forward by Thornton (2009) and Stutchbury (2009). Discussion and analysis must be supported and referenced using peer-reviewed journal articles.

Reference no: EM131514053

Questions Cloud

Fund your company using mostly debt funding : Would you rather fund your company using mostly debt funding, or mostly equity funding? Why? (1-5 sentences.)
Describe the role of marine safety investigating states : FLP2524 Diploma in Marine Surveying Covering Modules Six and Seven. In your own words, describe the role of Marine Safety Investigating States
Large number of aging baby boomers : With a looming physician, pharmacist, and nursing shortage, in addition to a large number of aging baby boomers, how can technology aid in the provision of care
Counteract the economic recession : What fiscal policies were enacted to counteract the economic recession we experienced in 2008 and 2009? Did these policies work? Why or why not?
House of representatives economics committee : You have been tasked by the House of Representatives Economics Committee to answer the following questions:
Major components of expenditure : 1) List the four major components of expenditure that make up GDP, and explain why each is important.
Describe the financial statements and the financial position : Describe financial statements and financial position of health care institutions. Describe overall planning process and the key components of financial plan.
Equilibrium price of ram chips : DRAW a graph and label all curves and axes and predict what is likely to happen to the equilibrium price of RAM chips and the equilibrium quantity of RAM chips.
Firm charge for the bundle to maximize profit : If the firm bundles the products, what single price should the firm charge for the bundle to maximize profit? And what is the firm's profit, assume that MC = AC


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