Headphones in and was jamming out to roar

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132090516

Your labmate had his headphones in and was jamming out to Roar, one of Katy Perry's hits, so he wasn't really paying attention when he set up his electrophoresis gel. You walked into the room just as he turned on the power button. What's wrong with the setup he used? What will happen if the gel is allowed to run? Why? (Hint: You only have about 2 minutes to correct his mistake before it's too late and he'll have to start all over again).

Reference no: EM132090516

Questions Cloud

Discuss the function of blood in both the cardiovascular : Discuss the function of blood in both the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems.
Chemical analysis of the synthetic standard : Compare the results of chemical analysis of the synthetic standard urine and synthetic abnormal urine.
Designing enzymes which can improve biofuel production : In the case of biofuels, please discuss two specific approaches for designing enzymes which can improve biofuel production.
Development of emotional intelligence : BIZ102 Understanding People and Organisations - Reflective Report - completion of an individual reflective report. You will analyse the expected strengths
Headphones in and was jamming out to roar : Your labmate had his headphones in and was jamming out to Roar, one of Katy Perry's hits, so he wasn't really paying attention when he set up his
Phenotype frequencies change less : Do you think you'd see the phenotype frequencies change less or more dramatically if the starting population size was larger
What are examples of diseases that can be caused : What are examples of diseases that can be caused by both type III and type IV hypersensitivity. for example poison ivy is type III/IV. what are other examples?
Compare the mechanisms by which sodium : Compare the mechanisms by which sodium, potassium, calcium and chloride in concentrations are regulated to maintain electrolyte
Mechanism of action of a suicide vector : How does a suicide vector work? describe the mechanism of action of a suicide vector.


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