Handicap or the receipt of public assistance

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132432603

Sandy Smith is a 20 year old full time employed individual looking for an apartment to rent. She approaches a provincially incorporated private company, ABC Limited, which owns and rents out apartments and makes an offer to lease an apartment. She is told by ABC Limited that they do not rent to anyone under 21 years old. Sandy reads them of section 15(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which states:

Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.She also advises them of section 2(1) of the provincial Human Rights Code which reads as follows:Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to the occupancy of accommodation, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, handicap or the receipt of public assistance.

The applicable law to challenge the refusal to lease the apartment is [place].

Reference no: EM132432603

Questions Cloud

How eliminating wasteful practices improve experience : Post your definition of quality, and apply it to the work of one major quality theorist (e.g., Donabedian, Juran, Deming, Triple Aim (IHI) - Berwick).
Determination of capital structure of a company : 'Determination of capital structure of a company is influenced by a number of factors' explain three such factors.
Define the target population will be for your effort : Who: define the target population will be for your effort. Consider factors such as age, gender, ethnicity, location and health issues.
Create a biological threats : Create a Biological Threats.Select one biological agent. Define the agent and explain how it affects humans. how/where might the group employ the agent
Handicap or the receipt of public assistance : Sandy Smith is a 20 year old full time employed individual looking for an apartment to rent. She approaches a provincially incorporated private company
Arrive at a decision that payment : What would a court most likely rely on to arrive at a decision that payment is due within 30 days of delivery?
Identify the characteristics of an effective group leader : Identify the personal characteristics of an effective group leader. What are the six most important skills for group counselors to have? Explain your answer.
Disenfranchisement of the Social Security Program Assignment : Disenfranchisement of the Social Security Program Assignment help and solutions:-explain how that population might be its on research, statistics
Business method patents : The discussion forum this week involves Business Method Patents. First, in your view, what should the standard be for a business method patent?


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Business Management Questions & Answers

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Why ismrp a =h a the Factor Employment Condition for a price-taking firm in the input market? What if the firm is not a price-taker in the product market? Is this condition sufficient, or are there other subsidiary conditions that must be met?

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Provide examples of when the functional form may be preferred, especially as it relates to systems engineering-related organizations.

  Calculate the number of slices

A) Ask the user for the diameter of the pizza in inches. B) Calculate the number of slices that may be taken from a pizza of that size.

  Calculate the accounting break-even point

Calculate the accounting break-even point. (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to the nearest whole number, e.g., 32.)

  Management theories and the workplace

Select two management theories from those discussed in class and in Contemporary Management. Prepare a 1,050-1,400 word analysis in APA format of management theories and include the following:

  Improvement in relation to advanced business logistics

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How can an entrepreneur ensure that the contingency plans he or she has devised will keep the business on the path to its goals?

  What service is defined as it services

What service is defined as IT services? For example, in a gym, is members called IT services? What else? could you give me another example?

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  Market segmentation is important for target markets

"Market segmentation is important for target markets and target markets are important for product positioning." Elaborate the statement with examples

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