Grade-level or school-wide international awareness event

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Reference no: EM132901611

For this assignment, advanced candidates will create or contribute to a grade-level or school-wide international awareness event. The advanced candidate will work with their site supervisor to ensure that the event is culturally sensitive and grade-level appropriate. The grade-level or school-wide international awareness event does not have to be implemented on the campus, but if an opportunity becomes available to host the event, it is highly encouraged. Candidates are expected to create a PowerPoint presentation (6-8 slides).

Purpose of the event: Explicitly state the purpose of the event.

Date(s) of the event: When will the event take place? Will it be one day or span over a period of days?

Grade Level(s) involved: Which grade levels will participate in the event?

Highlighted Country/Countries: What country or countries will the international awareness event highlight? Explain why you decided to select that country or set of countries.

Activity/Performances: What activities or performances can participants expect to engage in? What is the purpose of these activities or performance?

Cultural Relevance: What cultural relevance does the activities or performances have? What do you want participants and spectators to learn about the culture or cultures presented at the event?

Extension of Learning: How will the learning opportunities for students be extended throughout the campus or remainder of the school year once the event is over?

Reference no: EM132901611

Questions Cloud

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Effective administration in correctional agencies : What leadership qualities do you believe are necessary for effective administration in correctional agencies,
Grade-level or school-wide international awareness event : For this assignment, advanced candidates will create or contribute to a grade-level or school-wide international awareness event.
Elementary education teacher certification-baccalaureate : You are going to take the "Elementary Education Teacher Certification Post-Baccalaureate" (2 years part time course) through Zoom.
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Field experience d-instructional strategies : Identify strengths and weaknesses: What went better than expected? What difficulties were encountered? What changes did you make during instruction and why?


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