Future trends impacting the hr profession

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133011936

Part A:

Discuss three examples of ethical challenges that HR professionals may encounter as they apply to modern organizations. Discuss how you would address each situation

Part B:

Discuss three current or future trends impacting the HR profession. What opportunities and challenges might these trends present for HR and for the organization? As a human resource professional, what new skills and/or competencies would you need to further develop to adapt to these trends and to continue to be successful in your role?

Reference no: EM133011936

Questions Cloud

Features of the scientific management theory : Discuss the similarities and the differences between the features of the scientific management theory and human resource management theory.
Domestic violence for employees : Which is the most relevant industry association to family and domestic violence for employees?
Define academic honesty : Define academic honesty and give one example of how students follow this policy from an administrative perspective.
Find step in the training process : The first major step in the training process is the needs assessment. A needs assessment is the process of analyzing the difference between what is currently oc
Future trends impacting the hr profession : Discuss three examples of ethical challenges that HR professionals may encounter as they apply to modern organizations. Discuss how you would address each situa
How is a training needs assessment conducted : Training needs analysis helps to pinpoint which areas need addressing within your organization. It can also help to identify which employees need training and w
What is the benefits of computerization in school : What is the benefits of computerization in school during this covid-19 pandemic. explain in SMART ideas. (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and Timely)
Understood and implemented by the relevant parties : To provide you with an opportunity to ensure diversity policy actions are understood and implemented by the relevant parties.
Implementing best human resource information systems : What are some steps you could take to make sure you are implementing the best Human Resource Information Systems for your organization?


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