Food and beverage management

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132994825

HAT302 Subject Name: Food and Beverage Management

Once you have been assigned a food and beverage outlet, you are required to prepare written analysis that covers the following points:

  • Provide a detailed review of the assigned food and beverage outlet and identify its current menu concept
  • Identify the potential problems in the menu (i.e., selection of the dishes and design) and propose an alternative menu concept. Justify the reason behind your proposed changes
  • Redesign the menu by creating a new menu based on the identified problems and proposed menu concept. For those students who are new to menu design, please use the following free application:
  • Provide screenshots from TripAdvisor showing the negative reviews chosen by you to identify problems and an image of the original menu in the appendices section.

Restaurant that have to do is La Spaghetteria Ristorante

Reference no: EM132994825

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