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Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM132680207

The following bulletin at a large manufacturing company provides guidelines for the plant security supervisors in assigning duties to the plant security guards at five separate plants. Revise and reorganize to make the bulletin easier to read and more useful to the supervisors. All supervisors must be conscious of the need to reduce costs and properly use available security guards int he most effective manner. Consider staggering the start and quit times to ensure a larger force during the peak demand hours. Every effort should be made to eliminate nonsecurity service functions, such as airport pickup, mail runs, drives to banks, drives to medical centers, parcel pickup. The supervisors should regularly review the schedule to be sure the coverage meets the needs of the plant. Guards assigned to gates should advise the shift supervisors whenever they leave their posts, including for lunch break. Nonsecurity service functions should be contracted out if possible. Drives to banks should be performed by the responsible department, but a department may request a security guard escort. Guards assigned to patrols, shipping and receiving docks, and special surveillance should tell the shift supervisors when they leave their assigned task, even for the lunch break. Supervisors should consider combining spot checks with regular duties of guards. For example, if a guard must open a gate and passes the trash center, the guard can spot check the trash pickup on the way to or from opening the gate. Supervisors must know about outside employment of guards. These outside activities should not adversely affect the security arrangements at the plant. In general, security guards should not also work at racetracks or casinos, or any places associated with gambling. Guards also should not be in partnership with co-workers since that relationship could negatively affect plant security. Supervisors need to check attendance records regularly. Frequent illness may indicate the guard cannot do the physical tasks appropriately. Questionable illness reports should be checked. Guards who operate small businesses may resist the normal rotation because it will interfere with their outside employment. Security requires a 7-day operation.

Evaluate the style and clarity of the document, and identify specific areas where revision would help readers. Support you answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include a url to the document you are evaluating.

Find a Web site you use frequently and analyze how you use it. How easy is it to find the features you want to see? Has the home page changed since you began using it? Can you recall which features were redesigned? How consistent is the placement of navigation links on the pages you use? How informative are the headings and page titles? Are there any distracting elements? Are the graphics helpful or simply decorative? Are there moving graphics or text? If so, do they enhance the usefulness of the site? Write a memo to your instructor, analyzing the design of the Web site. Support your answers with citations from the text. Be sure to include the url.

Find the home pages for the following: a) Ford Motor Company, b) Chrysler, and c) General Motors. Analyze the design features of these home pages in terms of users who are seniors or have problems making precise movements with the mouse. Report your findings to your instructor in a memo.

Find a review of a computer product online. Using the information in the review, write a task oriented set of instructions from the review.

Reference no: EM132680207

Questions Cloud

Discussion conflict with teams and individual creativity : Discussion Conflict with Teams and Individual Creativity. List and define the three creativity measurements from the textbook.
The importance of defining goals and funnels : What is a Website goal, define how this will assist you in visitor engagement and why would you want negative goals?
Influences the implementation of innovation technologies : Journal article focuses on attribution theory and how it influences the implementation of innovation technologies.
Two websites you observed in wireshark : Explain the differences you saw between the two websites you observed in Wireshark. What were the differences you noticed when you did the trace?
Find review of computer product online : Find a review of a computer product online. Using the information in the review, write a task oriented set of instructions from the review.
Identify a community health assessment model : Identify a Community Health Assessment Model. (This document from the CDC lists commonly used community assessment models.
Discuss your experiences or research with policies : Discuss your experiences/research with policies implemented to protect vulnerable populations such as patients with mental illness. How does the mental health.
Define what other nutrients may be provided in foods : If your last name starts with the letters A-L you are assigned the "pro" side. If your last name starts with the letters M-Z, you are assigned the "con" side.
What the depreciable cost of the equipment is : What the depreciable cost of the equipment is? Blue Spruce Corp. bought equipment on January 1, 2022. The equipment cost $260000 and had expected salvage value.


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