Find out the broad problem area

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132870908

Below is the main idea of a study. After reading it:

(a) Find out the broad problem area

(b) Describe the problem

(c) Clarify how you will perform a further research.

Organizations gain advantage via worker commitment. Primitive downsizing in companies throughout the COVID-19 decreased the workers' trust at massive level. The financial advantages of commitment reduce the costs of hiring and training, increase employees' performance, customers' trust, as well as the trust of new employees. Numerous organizations, in view of maintaining the advantages of employee commitment because of this forced downsizing, follow many strategies. For example, a big company supports workers get 35% of their pay, combined with company-offered advantages but they take a six-to-twelve months vacations, with an agreement to resume their duties whenever necessary.

Reference no: EM132870908

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