Favor a new business led by a management team

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131833728

Why would investors tend to favor a new business led by a management team over one headed by a lone entrepreneur? Is this preference justified? What size would your board of directors be in your new venture? What do you think their primary role would be?

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Reference no: EM131833728

Questions Cloud

Evaluate the above quote on how the us labor law : Evaluate the above quote on how the U.S. labor law is premised on this belief. Describe specific provisions in U.S. labor laws that are intended to address
Prepare a change proposal for a new technology : Prepare a change proposal for a new technology that will contribute to a safer patient environment. Submit your response in a 3- to 5-page Word document.
Emotional intelligence and general intelligence : How does emotional intelligence and general intelligence affect leadership?
Explain the role self-concept plays in ethical communication : Explain the role self-concept plays in ethical communication.Describe your self-concept and whether it is generally positive or negative.
Favor a new business led by a management team : Why would investors tend to favor a new business led by a management team over one headed by a lone entrepreneur?
Analyze the potential risks of making a faulty comparison : Consider how benchmarking could be useful to you in decision making. Analyze the potential risks of making a faulty comparison.
List three methods of job analysis : List three methods of job analysis and discuss the pros and cons of each method. Name the top two you would use and why.
Write a business memo to gm leadership : Imagine that you are a consultant to GM and have been asked to help them identify ways to avoid discrimination.
What is meant by product positioning : What is meant by product positioning? Identify a brand and explain how this brand is positioned to its target market.


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