Family information night presentation and communication plan

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Reference no: EM132684875

Family Information Night Presentation and Communication Plan

The ancient African proverb "It takes a village to raise a child" has truth. Research shows that when teachers collaborate and communicate with families, it ultimately benefits the child. However, as times have changed, so have family dynamics and societal challenges. Families may face trials that prohibit them from being involved in their child's education, from classroom activities to school functions. Teachers can help alleviate some of these challenges by offering alternatives and solutions so that all families have the opportunity to be active participants in their child's learning and well-being.

Select three of the parental/caregiver challenges from the list below to address at a Family Information Night:

Financial issues

Limited opportunities for recreation and leisure

Sibling issues

Constant care and supervision of a child with a disability

Strain on family relationships due to hardships and difficulties

Logistical issues such as transportation

Difficulty getting time away from job

Frequent disability-related crises

Health issues of family members

Difficulties obtaining appropriate educational services

Other family dynamics, such as foster care, group home, parent/guardian away due to military/career

Part 1: Family Challenge Presentation

Design a 10-15 slide digital presentation for families that outlines the selected challenges.

Within your presentation:

Describe each challenge.

Provide potential solutions to each challenge.

Provide strategies to put potential solutions in place.

Identify resources that could help parents facing each challenge.

Discuss how technology could also be a resource for families that face the challenges.

Indicate that your desire is to provide support, not to assume that you know exactly what the families are going through. Consider including a relatable personal experience that, when mentioned briefly, could bridge the gap between you and the families.

Reference no: EM132684875

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