Explain your selection of teaching materials

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Reference no: EM132460416

Discussion Question: Considering the various learning styles and education levels of your selected community, explain your selection of teaching materials. How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience's receptivity to the shared health education information? Your initial posting should be 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook.

Reference no: EM132460416

Questions Cloud

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Negotiating a new loan agreement with consortium : The country of Sahara is negotiating a new loan agreement with a consortium of international banks.
What amount should cle include as a foreign exchange gain : What amount should Set include as a foreign currency transaction gain or loss?what amount should Cle include as a foreign exchange gain or loss?
Explain your selection of teaching materials : Explain your selection of teaching materials. How do they cater to or possibly impede the audience's receptivity to the shared health education information?
How are you contributing to nursing history : You have completed your interview of a nurse who is making nursing history today. How will that nurse's contributions and accomplishments impact your future.
ENGL-1302 Composition and Rhetoric Assignment : ENGL-1302 Composition and Rhetoric Assignment Help and Solution, Lone Star College - Homework Help - write a formalist analysis of the Robert Frost poem.
What is the difference in the eac of the two cars : What is the difference in the EAC of the two cars,out into the foreseeable future, and if your business has a cost of capital of 16 percent
Would you describe yourself as a lifelong learner : Think way back to your Personal Philosophy of Nursing paper that you wrote in the very first RN BSN nursing course N3345 Transition to Professional Nursing.


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