Explain why the wastewater treatment operators are notified

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132818490

In the biological treatment of wastewater, microorganisms break down the organic matter, such as food, oil, and human waste, in the wastewater and forms CO2 and microbial biomass. When firefighters combat a fire near a wastewater treatment plant where agricultural pesticides are involved, explain why the wastewater treatment operators are notified. Also, explain why there are fewer inorganic pesticides that are encountered today.

Reference no: EM132818490

Questions Cloud

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Explain why the wastewater treatment operators are notified : In the biological treatment of wastewater, microorganisms break down the organic matter, such as food, oil, and human waste, in the wastewater
How much was the contract price : How much was the contract price? The idle real property of the taxpayer who is not engaged in business was sold when its zonal value was P60M.
How much was the initial payment in year of sale : How much was the initial payment in year of sale? The idle real property of the taxpayer who is not engaged in business was sold
Information systems in business operations : Project relates to the importance of information systems in business operations - Evidence of Individual contribution to group project using MS Teams incl
How much was the selling price fo the property sold : How much was the selling price fo the property sold? The idle real property of the taxpayer who is not engaged in business was sold when its zonal value was P60


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