Explain why people drink alcohol

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Reference no: EM133273798

Assignment Instructions:

Use critical thinking and apply the information you learned this week in chapter 7.
Select ONE question from the list below and answer it completely.
Write a professionally written paragraph to answer your selected question.
Your instructor is looking for 3-4 key points in your responses that relate to this week's readings.
Reference your information using the APA citation format.

Participation in weekly discussion is worth a significant part of your final grade and this forum presents you with an opportunity to develop a life-long skill of written communication. Please review the grading rubric attached to this assignment so you know what is expected. Please see course calendar for specific due dates.

Select the question you would like to discuss from the list provided below:

What is alcohol and how is it made?

Explain why people drink alcohol.

Describe how alcohol is absorbed and metabolized in the body.

What are the harmful effects of alcohol on the body?

What is alcohol use disorder? Discuss the signs and symptoms.

Are the benefits of alcohol consumption worth the risks?

Reference no: EM133273798

Questions Cloud

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Explain why people drink alcohol : Explain why people drink alcohol and Describe how alcohol is absorbed and metabolized in the body - What is alcohol and how is it made
What is the real rate of return on these bonds : The bonds of Zhi Controls have an annual rate of return of 9.47 percent and a face value of $1,000. What is the real rate of return on these bonds
Why tony should be concerned about his waist circumference : NUTR 010 Solano Community College What is Tony's body mass index? What information does his BMI provide about his health - why Tony should be concerned
Find the profit earned : Initially it was intended to earn 20% of cost price plus 25% of selling price. In the end it earns $25,200. Find the profit earned
Calculate the interest and the remaining amount of the loan : A house buyer is considering taking out a 10.000 euro interest-free loan with annual fixed interest rate of 4%. Calculate the interest and the remaining amount


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