Explain what labor force participation is

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Reference no: EM132617701

Discussion: Your initial discussion thread is due and you have to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses.

The Work to Retirement Transition

For a variety of reasons, the transition from work to retirement is changing as the needs of workers and societies change. In this discussion, you will be looking at the varied needs of older workers and the options available to them at the end of their careers. Provide responses for the following prompts:

1. Explain what Labor Force Participation is and how it can be influenced by:

• Gender

• Race

• Education

• Health

2. Present at least three reasons why an older worker may want to delay retirement.

3. Explain how society benefits when older workers delay retirement.

4. In the context of delaying retirement and transitioning to retirement in a different way, what are the flexible work options that may be available to older workers?

5. Review the video Investment in Older Workers Turns a Big Profit.

• According to the video, how does the hiring of older workers benefit the employer, Vitaneedle?

• According to the video, how do the older workers benefit from their employment at Vitaneedle?

6. Review the video Teens Lose Important Summer Jobs as Older Workers Fill Spots.

• According to the video, when older workers need to stay in employment and are successful in doing so, what affect can that have on young workers at career entry points?

7. How can employers and the Government support older worker employment and also ensure their initiatives aren't detrimental to younger worker employment? What social policy options are there to ensure both vulnerable groups "win"?

Your initial full post should be at least 600 words in length. Support your claims with examples from the required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. For help writing a great discussion post, see this video guide. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

Reference no: EM132617701

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