Explain the trend and mention any unusual points

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131788608

Wages and Education

The figure shows a scatterplot of the wages and educational level of some people. Describe what you see. Explain the trend and mention any unusual points.

1451_Wages and Education.png

Reference no: EM131788608

Questions Cloud

Calculate greens taxable income for the year : Green's at-risk amount is sufficient, calculate Green's taxable income for the year and Green's suspended
Average number of characters per line : The program should display the line number and the length of the shortest and longest lines in the file, as well as the average number of characters per line.
How might company go about differentiating major activities : When a company is implementing an ABC system, how might they go about differentiating their major activities and cost drivers?
Write a program to copy one text file into another : Write a program to copy one text file into another text file in which the lines are numbered 1,2,3, ... with a number at the left of each line.
Explain the trend and mention any unusual points : The figure shows a scatterplot of the wages and educational level of some people. Describe what you see. Explain the trend and mention any unusual points.
Calculate stans adjusted gross income for this year : Calculate Stan's adjusted gross income for this year, his at risk amount as of the end of the year
Leading blanks and blank lines removed : Write a program that reads a text file and writes it to another text file, but with leading blanks and blank lines removed.
Write a program that reads a file containing : Write a program that reads a file containing a C++ program and produces a file with all comments stripped from the program.
Do you think there is a positive or negative trend : The figure shows the number of units that students were enrolled in and the number of hours (per week) that they reported studying.


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