Explain the sustainable competitive advantage

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133025988

-What are the primary competitive forces impacting U.S. steel producers in general and the producers like Nucor that make new steel products via recycling scrap steel in particular? five-forces analysis to support your answer.

-What driving forces do you see at work in this industry as of 2018? Are they likely to impact the industry's competitive structure favorably or unfavorably?

-How attractive are the prospects for future profitability of U.S. steelmakers, given the tariffs recently imposed on foreign steel imports by the Trump Administration? Should Nucor consider expanding in this type of industry environment? Why or why not?

-What type of strategy has Nucor followed? Which of the five generic strategies discussed in Chapter 5 is Nucor employing? Is there any reason to believe that Nucor has achieved a sustainable competitive advantage over many of its steel industry rivals in North America? If so, what type of competitive advantage does Nucor enjoy?

-What does a SWOT analysis reveal about Nucor's situation in 2018? Does Nucor have any core or distinctive competencies?

-What issues does Nucor management need to address? What recommendations would you make to John Ferriola as of mid-2018?

Reference no: EM133025988

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