Explain the meaning of social mirror

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Reference no: EM132440308

Resources: This essay is a reflection exercise.

Activity Instructions:

  • After reading the first chapter of the textbook, complete this activity. To recognize the potential inaccuracy or incompetence of the "social mirror," or others' opinions of you as a person, take a moment to reflect on how the social mirror has affected you. Reflect back on all aspects of your life: personal (dealing with family and friends, roommates, neighbors, significant others), academic (teachers, coaches, classmates), and professional (bosses, co-workers, subordinates, mentors) to examine what influence others have had on your self-image and other areas of importance to you (community, religion, sports, etc.).

Answer the questions below in comprehensive, complete sentences. Do not provide brief answers. Instead, compose at least 4-5 full sentences(i.e., a full paragraph) that answer each of the posed thought-provoking discussions.

  1. Explain the meaning of social mirror. Next, apply to yourself and explore what others would say about you that is generally positive.
  2. Explain the Johari Window and consider what qualities or behaviors lie within your "Blind" area. What "constructive suggestions" would others offer to help you improve or change?
  3. Explain the meaning of personality and its relationship with interpersonal communication. What do you most like about yourself and how does it help you communicate with others?
  4.  Explain self-analysis and examine what you most dislike in yourself and would like to change.
  5. Explain self-awareness and examine beliefs that you have about yourself that limit you.
  6. Elaborate on how these beliefs might have been created or influenced by your social mirror.
  7. Since it is possible - perhaps even likely - that these weaknesses or limitations are more imagined than real, what could you do to turn them into strengths?
  8. Explain the meaning and significance of self-disclosure. Next, write about who could help you make these changes or give you feedback about your progress and how that might benefit you in the future.
  9. Think back on the questions and identify a few that were more difficult to complete than others. Explain why.
  10. What did you learn about yourself in this exercise?
  • Please remember that your task is to not only write your own assessment, but to show that you are able to draw connections between your readings and your reflection. Use concepts and theories from the appropriate chapters, explain your understanding of their application, and show how they help you understand yourself. Remember to cite properly in-text (Author, YEAR) and at the end of your reflection with a fully formatted APA reference.

Reference no: EM132440308

Questions Cloud

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Under which phase of disaster do proposed interventions fall : Propose one example of a nursing intervention related to the disaster from each of the following levels: primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary.
What are some of the pros and cons of adjusting pay : What are some of the pros and cons of adjusting pay based on cost-of-living differences from a company's perspective and an employee's perspective?
How should activity time be allocated between aerobics : How should activity time be allocated between aerobics, muscular strength development, and endurance and flexibility training?
Explain the meaning of social mirror : Explain the meaning of personality and its relationship with interpersonal communication. What do you most like and how does it help communication
Discuss your reasons for supporting or rejecting proposal : You are the president of a corporation that owns several large department stores. A board member has a plan for preventing shoplifting: In each store.
Recommendations for creating effective shared services : Discuss the recommendations for creating an effective shared services.
What is the diagnosis : What is the diagnosis? Describe the disease associated with the diagnosis including the mechanism of glucose uptake by a target cell.
How many malonyl acp molecules : If you want to make steric acid (18:0) how many malonyl ACP molecules and how many acetyl ACP molecules are needed?


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