Explain the difficulties individuals with disorders may face

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Reference no: EM132888764 , Length: word count: 700

Anxiety and trauma-related disorders have a large impact on the forensic population but in different ways. This assignment will help you become familiar with the intricacies of these disorders and how to help those experiencing these symptoms.

Research the behavioral symptoms associated with anxiety and trauma-related disorders, as well as general treatment interventions.

Write a 700-word paper describing the behaviors that an individual with anxiety or trauma-related disorders may exhibit, and how to intervene with individuals when they exhibit these symptoms. Include the following:

Question 1: Differentiate between the general behavioral symptoms for an anxiety disorder and a trauma-related disorder.

Question 2: Explain the difficulties individuals with these disorders may face in a correctional setting.

Question 3: Describe general treatment interventions for individuals exhibiting symptoms of these disorders.

Reference no: EM132888764

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