Explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor

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Reference no: EM132415494

Assignment: When you decide to purchase a new car, you first decide what is important to you. If mileage and dependability are the important factors, you will search for data focused more on these factors and less on color options and sound systems.

The same holds true when searching for research evidence to guide your clinical inquiry and professional decisions. Developing a formula for an answerable, researchable question that addresses your need will make the search process much more effective. One such formula is the PICO(T) format.

In this Discussion, you will transform a clinical inquiry into a searchable question in PICO(T) format, so you can search the electronic databases more effectively and efficiently. You will share this PICO(T) question and examine strategies you might use to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question.

To Prepare: • Review the materials offering guidance on using databases, performing keyword searches, and developing PICO(T) questions provided in the Resources.

• Review the Resources for guidance and develop a PICO(T) question of interest to you for further study.

Post your PICO(T) question, the search terms used, and the names of at least two databases used for your PICO(T) question. Then, describe your search results in terms of the number of articles returned on original research and how this changed as you added search terms using your Boolean operators. Finally, explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor and effectiveness of a database search on your PICO(T) question. Be specific and provide examples.

Articles: 1. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice

2. Asking the Clinical Question: A Key Step in Evidence-Based Practice

3. Igniting a Spirit of Inquiry: An Essential Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice

4. Searching for the Evidence

Reference no: EM132415494

Questions Cloud

What is the goal of anti-trust policies : What is the goal of anti-trust policies? How is a four-firm concentration ratio measured? What does a high measure mean about the extent of competition?
Evaluate specific communication : Evaluate a specific communication that you have received in your professional life from an organization's leadership.
Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization : Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor. Critique the policy for ethical.
Discuss the necessity for a sme : a) Discuss the necessity for a SME (Small and Medium Enterprise) to explore global business opportunity.
Explain strategies you might make to increase the rigor : Post your PICO(T) question, the search terms used, and the names of at least two databases used for your PICO(T) question. Then, describe your search results.
What is the welfare gain relative to having no restrictions : Suppose the Forest Service caps the number of cows at 100. What is the welfare gain relative to having no restrictions?
What is the unregulated level of emissions : Now consider the marginal benefit of emissions associated with methane emissions from natural gas production: MBE = 200 - 8E
Graph the initial equilibrium : Market equilibrium vs. efficient level of production with an externality. Suppose the demand and supply for cars given by:
Analyze the evidence you have collected : In this Assignment, you will delve deeper into clinical inquiry by closely examining your PICO(T) question. You also begin to analyze the evidence you have.


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