Explain position in regards to the privatization of prisons

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Reference no: EM131759868 , Length: word count : 700

Consider the following topic: Should prisons be privatized?

Locate peer-reviewed articles in the University Library that compare the differences between public-sector and private-sector correctional facilities.

Select a position that is either in support of or in opposition to the privatization of prisons.

Write a 700-word argumentative essay that explains your selected position in regards to the privatization of prisons.

Your essay should incorporate supporting evidence that has been gathered from at least two scholarly resources.

Include evidence that demonstrates the differences between private and public sector prisons in regards to the following topics:

Operations of correctional organizations

Correctional personnel roles and functions

Correctional issues and practices

Include a discussion of opposing arguments and provide brief rebuttals.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131759868

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