Explain places would recruit for customer service assistant

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131799631


Imagine you are the HR manager at a company. You need to hire three new people. One employee will work at the front desk as a customer service assistant, and the other two will work on the production line. Give at least five places you would recruit for each position and explain why each place would be a viable option.

Write a one page paper in which you:

Select at least five places you would recruit for a customer service assistant and at least five places you would recruit for production line workers.

Explain why each place you selected would be a viable option for recruiting employees.

Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

Reference no: EM131799631

Questions Cloud

Calculate golden gate construction weighted-average cost : The cost of Golden Gate's equity capital is 15 percent. Calculate Golden Gate Construction Associates' weighted-average cost of capital
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Discuss a professional practice issue of the practitioner : Discuss a professional practice issue of the nurse practitioner as a prescriber. Also for part of this discussion it is required a reply to one classmate.
Explain places would recruit for customer service assistant : Select at least five places you would recruit for a customer service assistant and at least five places you would recruit for production line workers.
Explain the relationship between theory and research : How are they linked? Provide at least two examples, with citations and references, to support the response.
Commercial sectors in terms of reverse logistics : Also explain reverse logistics in both the military and commercial settings and describe similarities and differences between the military
Calculate the economic value added : Calculate the economic value added (EVA) for each of Golden Gate Construction Associates divisions
Stakeholder needs and agendas : Explain the role of ethics and social responsibility in developing a stratgeic plan while considering stakeholder needs and agendas


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