Explain if you believed your review was fair and equitable

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Reference no: EM132002249

Discussion Question -

For this week's discussion, investigate what your current performance review process is at your current company, or in a former organization if that is more relevant. For those that may not have worked before or have access to a performance management system, interview a friend or an associate to investigate their internal procedures in this area.

Review any written material that exists inside the company that explains their performance management system: policy guidelines, employee/manager instructions, forms, performance appraisal interview guidelines and the like.

Once completed, evaluate what you like or dislike about the process or what you have personally experienced. In making this assessment, review the textbook, Chapter 10, for best practices and see how your target company measures up, or not.

Some questions to consider for your commentary:

  • Explain if you believed your review was fair and equitable?
  • Did you believe your manager was well prepared, handled your questions well and was a positive experience overall?
  • Is the overall performance management process, in your view, user friendly and one that fosters a dialogue with your manager?
  • Is the rating scale used easily understood, and applied accurately to your overall performance?
  • Was there any discussion around career goals and upward progression to learn new subject content for your future growth?
  • Include any recommendations for improving the performance management system you identified.
  • Add any other comments/research you believe relevant.

Textbook - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, FIFTEENTH EDITION by Robert L. Mathis, John H. Jackson, Sean R. Valentine and Patricia Meglich.

CHAPTER 10 - Performance Management and Appraisal

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Reference no: EM132002249

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5/31/2018 1:07:14 AM

Post 1 discussion in 300 words, then I will send you 2 posts of other students, and you need to reply to 100 words each for all 2 of the discussion. Requirements - Please adhere to the following in order to receive the best score possible: Remember to properly cite any supporting research used in support of your theories by following the APA Guidelines. Valid sources are academic journals, respected magazines or newspapers, or articles on SHRM (Society of Human Resource Management) Grades in this section are determined by meeting the quantity guidelines described above along with the quality/depth (organization, theory presentation, and properly cited supporting research) of each student’s response.

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