Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you

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Reference no: EM131813244

Assignment: Intervention/Innovation Method

Instructions: For this assignment, you will write a method paper than contains the items listed in the content below.


The assignment needs to include the following areas of content.

• Intervention - Overview: In no more than one page, explain your proposed intervention.

• Intervention - Literature Review: In no more than one page, discuss your literature review and how it informs your proposed intervention.

• Intervention - Benefits: In no more than one page, explain why you think your population will benefit from the intervention. Ensure your explanation draws on the literature you are using to support this choice of intervention.

• Intervention Plan: In one- to two-pages, describe in chronological order how you will implement your intervention and provide a hypothetical yet practical timeframe for these steps.

• Ethics - Philosophy: In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how this intervention fits within your philosophy of teaching. You may have written a philosophy in EDU623 or another prior course.

• Ethics - Social Principles: In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how this intervention relates to your social principles as an educator.

• Ethics - Harm: In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention.

• Ethics - Protection: In one- to two-paragraphs, explain your planned measures to ensure you are protecting the study participants and doing no harm.

• Ethics - Bias: In one- to two-paragraphs, explain your planned measures to ensure the study yields unbiased results.

• Data Collection Procedures: In one page, revise your triangulation matrix from the Week Three Triangulation discussion adding a column that includes how and when you will collect your data. This timeline will be hypothetical and approximate. The Data Collection Procedures section can follow this example:

• **The example is attached to this as a file as a PICTURE**PLEASE FOLLOW THE EXAMPLE!!!***

• ***I Have also attached my week 3 Assignment, just in case you need to follow from last week's assignment**

Written Communication

The assignment needs to adhere to the following areas for written communication.

• Page Requirement: The assignment must be five to six pages, not including title and references pages.

• APA Formatting: Use APA formatting consistently throughout.

• Syntax and Mechanics: Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Your written work should contain no errors and be very easy to understand.

• Source Requirement: Use no less than three scholarly sources in addition to the course textbooks, providing compelling evidence to support ideas. All sources on the reference page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.

Hey, all...just an IMPORTANT reminder, be sure your two and ONLY TWO research questions follow the template below:


Quantitative research question:

What is the difference in (scores, behavior, achievement, etc) when (your intervention) is applied over (period of time)?

Qualitative research question:

What is the perspective of (stakeholders, teachers, students, parents, etc) in regards to (your intervention)?

Reference no: EM131813244

Questions Cloud

Create a quality early care and education program : As an early childhood educator, it is crucial to identify resources around the community to create a quality early care and education program.
Discuss the colombian economy today is sufficiently robust : Do you feel that the Colombian economy today is sufficiently robust to support the growth of the sports drink industry
Find the interval of scores that will be assigned a C : All students in a large enrollment multiple section course take common inclass exams and a common final, and submit common homework assignments.
Create a feasibility study for harley-davidson : Create a Feasibility Study for Harley-Davidson using the following outline: Differentiation Strategies, SWOT Analysis and Growth and Profitability Strategies
Explain how the literature you reviewed leads you : In one- to two-paragraphs, explain how the literature you reviewed leads you to believe what you are doing is an appropriate intervention.
Points-of-difference and points-of-parity : Points-of-difference and points-of-parity are key concepts of brand development and are driven by two differing strategies—inclusion and differentiation.
Find the interval of normal glucose levels : Researchers wish to investigate the overall health of individuals with abnormally high or low levels of glucose in the blood stream.
What is a128-bit encryption : What is a128-bit encryption? In terms of software available to the general public, is a128-bit encryption the strongest?
Leasing has grown in frequency and magnitude : Leasing has grown in frequency and magnitude. What is a capital lease?


Write a Review

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