Explain how justify foods as multiple categories of folk

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM132446006 , Length: word count :- 800

You will be randomly assigned to write on 2 of the following essays. Plan to write ~5 paragraphs for each essay, or approximately 600-800 words. Each essay requires discussion of 3 examples (if you're not using course content-based examples, you'll quickly lose points). Use diverse examples from different readings. Prove to me you know and understand the content by using extremely specific examples from the readings, and by backing them up with your own analysis. Be sure you're answering the final "why does this matter" questions at the tail end of each essay

Question 1: Considering the folk-mass-elite cultural continuum, discuss how green bean casserole-a Campbell's soup recipe-can be considered part of folk culture. Choose two additional examples from the readings that falls into multiple categories on this continuum. Explain how you can justify these foods as belonging to multiple categories of folk, mass, and elite foods. What does this suggest about the differences in high, mass, and folk culture?


Reference no: EM132446006

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