Explain driving forces related to organizational learning

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131762215

Assignment 3: Proposal Video Presentation

Using the same scenario from Assignment 1, Supporting Documents, and Assignment 2, you have completed your proposal and are ready to present the information to the CEO and the organization's decision-makers. Use a tablet, smartphone, laptop, desktop, or traditional video recorder to record a five to ten (5-10) minute video in which you present the findings and recommendations of your full proposal.

Note: If you are using a tablet or smartphone, you will need to email the video file to yourself, then save it to a computer in order to upload to Blackboard. You may want to upload your video to a file sharing service, such as Dropbox, if your email will not let you send a large video file. Dropbox is accessible from all smartphones and tablets from the Dropbox app.

Once you are ready to upload your video to Blackboard, view the Kaltura video.

Note: Check with your professor for any additional instructions. If you do not have access to a video camera or necessary hardware to complete this assignment, please contact your professor.

Tips to prepare for your video:

• Create note cards
• Practice in front of a mirror and / or friends
• Review materials thoroughly
• Be persuasive
• Be professional
• Be creative
• Have fun!
• Create a five to ten minute video presentation in which you:

1. Present the major points of your proposal for addressing organizational learning issues. Include details on criteria one through nine from Assignment 2.

2. Project your voice in order to clearly convey your ideas.

3. Present in a professional manner.

4. Use technology (e.g., audio quality, video quality, naming conventions) to convey ideas.

5. Use voice inflection and proper grammar.

6. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Examine the processes of how organizations learn and organizational barriers that impact the process.
• Examine the concepts of personal mastery and mental models and their related importance in a learning organization.
• Examine the driving forces related to organizational learning.
• Analyze the key components of a learning organization and the role of a chief learning officer.
• Evaluate strategies for creating a learning organization.
• Evaluate management behaviors that influence organizational learning.
• Analyze the shifts in organizational structure and processes to create a learning organization.
• Examine talent management as an essential element of the learning organization.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in developing a learning organization.
• Write clearly and concisely about developing a learning organization using proper writing mechanic.

Attachment:- Assignment-1-and-2.rar

Reference no: EM131762215

Questions Cloud

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