Explain consistent patterns in feelings and behaviour

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Reference no: EM132194680


General introduction and background - In this assignment has four main aims:

1. Understand the major theoretical approaches used to explain consistent patterns in thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

2. Be able to apply these theories to solve realistic problems.

3. Develop your analytic and communication skills.

4. Understand how personality inventories are used to assess personality.

Overview of Assessment Tasks - The assessment tasks for consist of: Assessment 1: Lab report and Assessment 2: Personality Profile report.

Assessment 1: Lab report

In this lab report your task is to write up a study that has investigated the extent to which an individual's problematic Smartphone use is related to their personality and their level of suggestibility. To orient you to this task, an overview of the rationale underlying the study is provided below.

1.1 The research topic

In recent years, the use of smart technologies in research and therapy has been increasing dramatically. Smartphones and other portable internet-enabled devices are routinely used for real-time data collection and dissemination of online therapeutic programs. Smart devices are proving to be very successful in supporting people with mental health concerns, with apps and programs that are designed to encourage mindfulness, supportive professional and peer networks, as well as 'bite size' therapeutic videos. In this sense, smart technologies can have a positive impact on wellbeing.

Over the past decade however, a completely novel individual and social issue has been emerging - smartphone addiction (also referred to as internet addiction, screen addiction, problematic smartphone use, etc.). Social media and easy access to the online world has become a ubiquitous and normal part of life, however our consumption of internet-based media is far from what might be considered normal. In Australia, data* from 2015 indicated that:

  • Approximately 88% of Australians own a smartphone
  • Of Australian adolescents, approximately 94% own a smartphone
  • Australian households currently have an average of 9 internet-connected devices
  • 35% of Australians check their phone within five minutes of waking up in the morning
  • 70% of Australians use phones during mealtimes with family and friends
  • On average, Australians check their phones 35 times per day

We are a nation of screen users, however excessive screen use can become problematic for some people. Addiction-like behaviours can emerge, such as cravings, tolerance, and withdrawal. Addiction to screens has been associated with decreases in productivity, social functioning, positive affect, and wellbeing. In the case of adolescents, the potential developmental impacts of screen addiction (for example, neurological development, social skills development, intimate relationship formation etc.) will not be known for many years to come. We are in the midst of completely new social paradigm.

So, here's the problem. How do we begin to understand a relatively new phenomenon in psychology? What are the possible mechanisms that might explain a growing trend in problematic use of smartphones? One way we can approach the problem is to look at relatively enduring central traits (e.g. neuroticism) compared to other traits whose stability is somewhat debatable (suggestability) to see if one seems to be more related to the behaviour in question than the other. We can also look to research in related areas, such as behavioural addiction research.

In order to look more closely at this issue, we will investigate whether the Big 5 personality traits are related to excessive screen use compared to another possible explanation, suggestibility. HPS791 students will also look at some individual facet items; IPIP Immoderation and Self-discipline. Your task is to think about which Big 5 factors may be related to problematic smartphone use and/or suggestibility and why, how suggestibility may be related to problematic smartphone and why, but also how personality and suggestibility together may be able to explain a person's relationship to their smartphone.

The papers we have supplied you with reflect aspects of this issue. You must include these papers in your lab report, as well as any other articles you deem appropriate. You will need to do some research yourself in addition to these publications. Once you get to grips with the literature on this topic, think about what the gap in the literature might be that we will attempt to address.

1. Impulsivity, self-control, and hypnotic suggestibility (Ludwig et al., 2013)

2. Personality and problematic smartphone use: A facet-level analysis using the Five Factor Model and HEXACO frameworks (Horwood & Anglim, 2018)

3. Genetic influences on impulsivity, risk taking, stress responsivity, and vulnerability to drug abuse and addiction (Kreek, Nielsen, Butelman, & LaForge, 2005)

1.2 Survey Information - AT1 and AT2

We will use the following questionnaires in our survey, they feed into both AT1 and AT2. You are welcome to look up the associated papers, but the below information will be enough for you to write up your materials section for AT1. Full references are at the end of this document.

i. International Personality Items Pool (IPIP) NEO (Goldberg et al., 2006; AT1, AT2)

The IPIP NEO is a 50 item self-report inventory that provides a reasonably faithful measure of the Big 5 factors - Neuroticism, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Openness to experience. The IPIP subscales correlate well with the NEO-PI-R factors and facet subscales (more info on this in the seminar). Items are answered on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1= 'Very inaccurate' to 5 = 'Very accurate'.

Why don't we just use the NEO-PI-R to measure the Big 5 you ask? The NEO-PI-R and other broad-bandwidth inventories are proprietary instruments, whose items are copyrighted by the test authors. For us to use the NEO-PI-R (or any version of Costa & McCrae's inventory), we would need to pay-per-use. Unfortunately, that makes research on a large scale pretty expensive.

ii. Short Suggestibility Scale (Multidimentional Iowa Suggestibility Scale; Kotov, Bellman, & Watson, 2004; AT1)

The Short Suggestibility Scale is a 21-item scale derived from the 95-item Multidimensional Iowa Suggestibility Scale (MISS). The MISS measures suggestibility on five subscales;

1. Consumer suggestibility

2. Physiological suggestibility

3. Physiological reactivity

4. Persuadability

5. Peer conformity

The Short Suggestibility Scale is composed of items drawn from the five subscales and provides a good index of the general suggestibility trait. Items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1= 'Strongly disagree' to 5 = 'Strongly agree'.

iii. Adolescent Pre-occupation with Screens Scale, modified (Hunter et al., 2017; AT1)

This 21 item self-report scale assesses potential preoccupation with screen use across a broad range of screens and screen-based activities in non-clinical settings. The 21 items are scored on a 6-point Likert scale, ranging from 1= 'Never' to 6 = 'Always'. The scale has been modified for adult use by changing the word 'parents' to 'family and friends'. The word 'screens' has been replaced with a more specific criteria, 'smartphone'.

iv. HEXACO Personality Inventory (Lee & Ashton, 2004; AT2)

This 100 items inventory measures the six factors of Honesty-humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness. It also measures the facets that underpin each factor. Items are scored on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1= 'Strongly disagree' to 5 = 'Strongly agree'.

v. Subtle IPIP NEO items and single item outcome measures (AT2)

These items will form the basis for some of the comparisons you will make in AT2. There is no formal authorship attributed to them.

1.3 Assessment criteria

The assessment criteria will be posted in the assignment folder of Cloud Deakin. The criteria are generic lab report criteria, designed to ensure that the guidance you get in all units is the same. Broadly, your Lab Report will be evaluated according to:

1. How well your abstract provides a concise but meaningful description of the study.

2. How well you explaining the importance of the study, and how it addresses a problem or gap in the literature.

3. How well your method section describes what was done to answer the research question.

4. How well your results section describes how the data were prepared and analysed, as well as what was found.

5. How well you interpret and synthesise the results in your discussion, factoring in the aims, hypotheses, and broader literature.

6. Your overall writing style (i.e. scientific writing).

Assessment 2: Personality Profile report

This assessment will require you to graph your own personality profile using three Big 5 inventories, the IPIP NEO (from AT1), the HEXACO, and the BFI-10.

The report will be in short answer format, and questions will relate to aspects of personality testing and the usefulness (or not) of conducting personality assessments. This assessment task is designed to help you develop a sense of the accuracy of personality inventories (you will be able to judge if your profile really reflects who you are), their uses but also their limitations.

HPS791 students will have an additional question to respond to. The additional item will relate to the construction of personality inventories.

2.1 Assessment criteria

Your Personality Profile Report will be evaluated according to your interpretation and understanding of the scores across the three inventories, and how well you apply critical thinking and reasoning to the questions.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM132194680

Questions Cloud

Ask the user to input the number of rows and columns : The program will fill the arry starting at location [0][0] with the user selected starting number and each element after will be incremented by the user direct.
How a change in the exchange rate affected firm : Describe how a change in the exchange rate affected your firm. Explain what happened to your price and quantity.
Elasticity of demand for a given product or services : What are the two primary factors that determine the elasticity of demand for a given product or services?
Display all subsets of the characters : n the problem, your program should read n characters from a user and display all subsets of the characters.
Explain consistent patterns in feelings and behaviour : HPS307/791 PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT, DEAKIN UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA. Explain consistent patterns in thoughts, feelings and behaviour
How it distinguishes normal and inferior goods : Define income elasticity and how it distinguishes normal and inferior goods.
A program to count words and numbers in a plain text file : Words and numbers can be repeated. You can use any algorithm and data structures that you prefer, as long as the results are correct.
A program to calculates a vehicles gas mileage : The program should ask the user to enter the number of gallons of gas the vehicle can hold and the number of miles it can be driven on a full tank.
Write a description of the selected dataset and project : ITECH1103- Big Data and Analytics - write a brief reflection about this project in terms of challenges, learning and contribution



12/15/2018 3:47:39 AM

The assignment tasks are designed to not only improve your application, analytic, and writing skills in the context of personality theory, but also your interest in the subject matter. We hope that this will help you perform well on the assessment tasks, but, more importantly, that it will teach you important skills that will help you as a graduate regardless of whether you enter the workforce or continue on to do further study.


12/15/2018 3:47:32 AM

Two major features of this unit are that we a) base your AT1 lab report on real data that we will collect at the start of trimester, and b) we return your own personality profile data to you for use in AT2. We hope that this will help you feel connected to the assessments and be inspired to delve deeply into understanding your own personality as well as the processes involved in understanding personality more generally. We will help you develop the skills required for your assessment tasks in the seminar stream, and I encourage you to take advantage of the seminars to your fullest ability.


12/15/2018 3:47:25 AM

Word count & number of articles - HPS307 - Your Lab Report should be approximately 2000 words. You can be over or under by 10%, but do try to stick to 2000 as much as possible. You have two set articles to include, but we expect you to use more than the two provided. HPS791 - Your Lab Report should be approximately 2000 words. You can be over or under by 10%, but do try to stick to 2000 as much as possible. You have three set articles to include, but we expect you to use more than the three provided. HPS791 students have the same word limit as HPS307, but have more variables to consider so your writing will need to be concise and to the point in order to cover all of the necessary aspects of the task.


12/15/2018 3:47:17 AM

Both HPS307 & HPS791 - At third year level, you will need to increase the number of resources you access from previous years. Keep in mind, that if you go on to 4th year and beyond, the number of resources you need to integrate into your writing jumps pretty significantly, so this is a good chance to hone your research and concise writing skills! There is no minimum number of articles to incorporate, but in order to write a reasonable lab report, you would need around 5-10 papers. We will give you some papers to get you started, then the rest is up to you. Remember, we are not so much looking at how many papers you use, but how you use the papers you choose. Limit your search of the literature to the past 5-10 years so that you are not overwhelmed with papers to review. Many of the papers you find in your search might not be relevant once you read them, so make sure you choose carefully.


12/15/2018 3:47:10 AM

Given the word limit, you will not be able to critique each of these fully, however there will be a few papers that are highly relevant that you should focus on more fully than some of the others. You could consider the similarities between the papers so that you might group them together in some way to discuss them. Your review should provide a critique of what has been found in the literature to date, and any gaps in that literature.


12/15/2018 3:47:01 AM

Resubmission of Lab report - This is an optional step. When your Lab Report is returned to you, your marker will have left lots of actionable feedback. In order to help you develop your research and writing skills, you may choose up to five (5) separate items of feedback to action for an additional point per item (i.e. an additional 5/100)*. Very important: In order for your marker to see the changes you have made, you must use track changes on your resubmission document (instructions for using track changes in the Resubmission Resources folder, under AT1). Resubmitted assignments that do not show the changes that have been made will not be marked (markers are not allocated time to compare documents looking for what has been updated, you must make it very clear for your marker).


12/15/2018 3:46:54 AM

For students who received less than 45/100 for their Lab report, resubmission can be undertaken in order to achieve a maximum score of 50/100 for the task. The resubmission must demonstrate substantial improvements by addressing most, if not all of the markers major comments. In order to achieve further marks, you must demonstrate that you have thought about, and actioned, meaningful aspects of your marker’s feedback. Minor formatting and editing issues that are pointed out should be obvious to you, so the following list of minor writing issues can (and should) be corrected, but do not attract points in the resubmission process. Punctuation errors, Spelling errors, Deletion of text without replacement and An error that occurs multiple times. If your marker indicates that you have a mistake (e.g. APA formatting error) that occurs throughout your lab report, you must correct all instances of the error to be awarded the point. Replacing an older reference with a newer one, without changing the text in the associated paragraph.


12/15/2018 3:46:47 AM

The main thing we hope that you will do is take note of any conceptual feedback that your marker gives you. This is an excellent opportunity to check that your report is on track. The word count for both HPS307 and HPS791 is 1000-1500 words (10% leeway accepted). The range reflects that each person will have unique data to work with and as such, will have different things to write about and focus on. No marks are allocated to formatting or APA style. You can simply answer the questions in a question and answer format. You are not required to provide in- text citations or a reference list but it is good practice to acknowledge others work even when marks are not allocated to this.


12/15/2018 3:46:39 AM

Abstract is comprehensive. Covers all key aspects of the study (aims, method, results, and implications). Appropriate figures are included. (8 - 10 points). Introduction is comprehensive and flows logically from broad area of research to specific hypotheses. Clearly identifies the relevance of the area of study, and defines all key variables in accessible and appropriate language. Provides an excellent critical review of all assigned readings, and has incorporated additional well-chosen articles. Has developed a balanced and compelling rationale for the study. Aims and hypotheses follow logically from the rationale presented. (24 - 30 points).


12/15/2018 3:46:31 AM

Method is comprehensive and completed to an excellent standard. Sections are provided for Participants, Materials, and Procedure, and all relevant information is provided within. Relevant participant statistics are correct. Information is provided in a way that study is able to be replicated. (8 - 10 points). Results section completed at an excellent standard. Correlation matrix completed to APA6 style standard, and contains all variables of interest to the study. All statistics reported correctly, all and only hypothesised correlations reported. Results reported but not interpreted (8 - 10 points). Discussion is comprehensive and reflects arguments/points raised in introduction. Critical evaluation and application of the results is evident.


12/15/2018 3:46:24 AM

Aims and hypotheses are restated, with a clear statement around support for hypotheses. Results are explained and interpreted clearly, with excellent links back to studies introduced earlier in the report. Two main limitations of the study are identified and explained, then clear suggestions to overcome limitations are suggested for further research. General directions for future research that directly relate to the results of the study are provided. A comprehensive concluding paragraph summarises key results, and provides unique implications (real world uses) for the study. (24 - 30 points). Argument is logical, and clearly structured. Spelling, grammar, and scientific writing style is correct. All additional articles are well-chosen, relevant, and reliable. Additional articles used very well to support rationale/argument in introduction and discussion. (4 - 5 points). APA formatting and referencing is correctly used throughout. Results and table are correctly formatted using APA style. Title page and reference list are correctly formatted using APA style. (4 - 5 points).

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