Explain business professional

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132945785

Discovering Your Beliefs and Practices and Clarifying Why

  • Identify your beliefs and how these beliefs impact your ethical behavior.
  • Identify what the most important five beliefs you have are.
  • Clarify your belief and practices in terms of acting ethically.
  • Present an argument why you chose these ethical principles.
  • What makes these important to you and in your future business dealings.
  • Identify what your core values are that guide the way you work and make decisions.
  • What challenges you face or anticipate facing in living these beliefs.

The statement should articulate what you strive to be as a business professional, including:

  • What influences your actions and interactions with others and your organization;
  • Demonstrate how you would put these guiding ideals into practice; and
  • How this statement will serve as a guidepost for decision making

Reference no: EM132945785

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