Explain any five possible causes of staff demotivation

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Reference no: EM132314992 , Length: word count:1500

Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Report

Learning Outcome - Examine the practical application of organisational behavior theory for managing people and organizations effectively.

Instructions - Read the scenario below and answer the questions provided at the end of the case study.

Scenario - ABC Company, an advertising company is faced with a big challenge. Majority of the staff are demotivated and this is characterized by high levels of absenteeism, mental health issues and poor performance. The management is concerned and wants to understand the possible causes of staff demotivation and strategies that can be implemented to improve staff motivation.

Questions - Assuming you have been hired as an organizational behavior consultant by ABC Company,

1. Explain any five (5) possible causes of staff demotivation in organizations.

2. Describe any five (5) strategies that can be implemented to improve staff motivation.

Assessment Description - This assessment is a group assessment. Students will remain in the same groups used for the presentation assessment. Student will be provided with an organizational behavior scenario and will be required to respond to the questions provided about the case. The responses to the case should be written in report format.

The report should have the following key parts -

1. Cover page

2. Table of contents

3. Introduction

4. Body

5. Conclusion

6. References

7. Appendices (if any)

Within the introduction, body and conclusion sections, sub-headings can be included as you deem fit. Also, a relevant title has to be provided for the body section and the sub-headings included in the body.

Reference no: EM132314992

Questions Cloud

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Explain any five possible causes of staff demotivation : BUS1007 Organisational Behaviour Assignment - Report, Australian Institute of Higher Education, Australia. Explain five possible causes of staff demotivation
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Define the positive and negative aspects of the job : Job duties, schedules, and other facets of the job should all be well understood early in the recruiting process to avoid poor P/E fit later.
What would be the total cost of producing baseball? bats : The Akron Slugger Company produces various types of wooden baseball bats. It has calculated the average cost per unit of a production level of 7,900 bats?
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6/1/2019 4:59:45 AM

Words – 1500 and Harvard referencing. Research expectation: The submission needs to be supported with information by credible sources. Credible sources should be varied and include, but not limited to, the Textbook, Government reports, Industry reports, Newspaper articles, Books, and Journal articles. Detailed Submission Requirements - One member of the group who is nominated by the other members must submit the group report through the Assessment 3 Turnitin link on Moodle page for this unit. The assessment will be submitted through Turnitin via your unit page on Moodle. Submission must be between 1500 words (+/- 10%) (not including executive summary, table of contents, tables, figures or the reference list). Formatting requirements – use font size 11 (Times New Roman or Arial), 2.5 margins and 1.5 spacing. Use Harvard referencing including the reference list.


6/1/2019 4:59:39 AM

Late Submission - Any assessment submitted past the specific due date and time will be classified as Late. Any Late submission will be subject to a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted, unless special consideration is approved as per the formal process.


6/1/2019 4:59:31 AM

MARKING RUBRIC - Strategies for managing people and organisations are clearly identified. Excellent introduction and background to the intervention strategies. Excellent analysis of the intervention strategies. Excellent knowledge of the intervention strategies demonstrated. (8.5 – 10 marks) Excellent description of the proposed intervention strategies. The application of the proposed intervention strategies to issues in the case is excellent. Excellent knowledge of the identified intervention strategies demonstrated. Harvard referencing is accurate and complete. (8.5 – 10 marks).

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