Examine substantive and relevant development of ideas

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Reference no: EM131849217

Question: Need at 5 to 6 page paper on sickle cell. Must be written well in APA format. Also must be correct punctuation.

Instructions for what is required in paper is given below:

Term Paper: As pay of the course students must write a term-paper on a condition, situation, scenario specific to a stage in the life-span (ex. Crises, aging, "failure to launch", marriage/divorce, empty nest, sandwich generation, etc.) The term paper must be typed with 1" margins, double spacing and a 12 point Times Roman font. The paper should also include a reference list. A minimum of five references must be utilized. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between four and six pages in length (not including cover page, abstract, references, exhibits, etc.).

The following guidelines will be utilized to grade the paper:

- Provides substantive and relevant development of ideas

- Provides logical, accurate, and sufficient level of detail

Reference no: EM131849217

Questions Cloud

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Examine substantive and relevant development of ideas : Need at 5 to 6 page paper on sickle cell. Must be written well in APA format. Also must be correct punctuation. Do not ask for assignment if you cannot.
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What is the probability that two randomly selected returns : What is the probability that two randomly selected returns with income of? $100,000 or more will be? audited?
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