Evaluate the success wellco and pharmacare shareholders

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132715


Ethical and Legal Considerations in Marketing, Intellectual Property and Product Safety

Prepare a paper in which you:

Research the ethical issues relating to advertising and marketing, intellectual property, and regulation of product safety.

Argue for or against Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing by drug companies.

Evaluate who regulates compounding pharmacies under the existing regulatory scheme, what the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) could have done in this scenario, and whether the FDA could be granted more power over compounding pharmacies.

Decide whether PharmaCARE's use of Colberian intellectual property could be ethical in accordance with:



Virtue ethics

Ethics of care

Your own ethical/ moral compass

Examine the way PharmaCARE uses U.S. law to protect its own intellectual property while co-opting intellectual property in Colberia.

Propose at least three ways the company could compensate the people and nation of Colberia for the use of its intellectual property and the damage to its environment.

Compare PharmaCARE's actions with those of at least one real-world company whose creativity in skirting legal technicalities led to financial loss and ethical lapses.

Evaluate the success WellCo and PharmaCARE shareholders would have in suits against the companies.

Evaluate whether or not PharmaCARE lives up to its brand. Support the response.

Recommend at least three changes PharmaCARE can create to be more ethical going forward.

Analyze and assess ethical and legal restraints on marketing and advertising, relative to both consumers and organizations.

Analyze and determine laws and regulations relative to product safety and liability.

Explore copyright laws and intellectual property rights and assess how well they balance competing interests.

Use knowledge and information resources to research issues in law, corporate governance and ethics.

Prepare clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM132715

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