Evaluate the link between hpw and employee well-being

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132416312


As part of an ongoing programme of organisational change, your HR director wants to introduce a new performance management process, which will sit alongside other people management and HR practices that have been designed to support High Performance Working within your organisation. She has asked you to provide an initial report based on your research covering the concept of 'High Performance Working' (HPW) and the extent to which it supports sustainable organisational performance. She asked that you base your report on secondary source material. Your report should cover

Question.1 Analyse the concept of HPW. (AC 1.1) (approx 100 words)

Question.2 Explain the key components of HPW (i.e. perspectives on the range of processes, practices or systems that might be included in the best HPW best practice bundle). (AC 1.1) (approx 400 words)

Question.3 Identify barriers to implementing HPW in organisations (AC 1.3) (approx 400 words)

Question.4 Evaluate the link between HPW and employee well-being. (AC1.2) (approx 200 words)

Question.5 Evaluate the link between HPW and competitive advantage. (AC1.2) (approx 200 words

Question.6 Evaluate the link between HPW and sustainable organisational performance (AC1.2) (approx 200 words)

Question.7 Please also comment on how you will transfer the new knowledge and skills gained during this assignment into working practices. You may also use this reflection for your CPD. (approx 200 words)

You should also include 3-5 references from up to date and relevant sources in order to support your findings.

Attachment:- References.rar

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The current assignment discusses High-Performance Working procedure,their key components, patterns, barriers in their implementation and need in the current organizational environment.The study further elucidates competitive advantage,sustainable organisational performance and well being of employees in relation to HPW, concluding with the knowledge gained.

Reference no: EM132416312

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Evaluate the link between hpw and employee well-being : CIPD LEVEL 5 - Analyse the concept of HPW and Evaluate the link between HPW and employee well-being - Evaluate link between HPW and competitive advantage.
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12/12/2019 10:59:28 PM

dear sir, below is assignment for CIPD LEVEL5 please ensure its free from plagiarism. below questions are mentioned number of words please ensure the number of words are exactly not less and not more exception 10% more or less words. moreover only 5 reference to be quoted not more than that.As part of an ongoing programme of organisational change

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