Evaluate how the leadership abilities and style hindered

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Reference no: EM132301532

Question: Several themes were explored in the documentary titled "Look for me in the whirlwind." Examine at least ten of the themes within the context of the documentary and tie them to the leadership of UNIA by Marcus Garvey. Evaluate how his leadership abilities and style hindered or enabled UNIA and how these became factors in his achievements and ultimately his downfall and the didactic lessons for the 21stcentury African Diaspora

Please check the Course Materials link for documents and more information

A useful material is also uploaded. It is the introduction to a book:

Tony Martin, Race First: The Ideological and Organizational Struggles of Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association. Dover, Mass. The Majority Press, 1976 pp. 3-21

Length of essay - 6 - 8 pages

Font - 11 or 12

Double spaced

MLA citation

Reference no: EM132301532

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