Ethical challenges regarding employees

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131492378


Research and review the ethical challenges regarding employees (i.e., diversity, discrimination, sexual harassment, privacy, employee theft, bad leadership, etc.) Starbucks has faced over the past five to ten years and that they should prepare to face in the next five to ten years. Once you have developed a list of challenges, consider how having faced those challenges (or knowing that you will be facing them) will impact and be impacted by the social cause you've selected.


In a 3 page Microsoft Word document, present your findings on the ethical challenges faced by your approved global, publicly traded organization in recent history and the near future. Be sure to:

  • Discuss ways in which each challenge was (and/or could be) appropriately handled and areas for improvement.
  • Investigate and explain the ethical/moral aspects of your organization that have in the past or could in the future protect it from ethical challenges.
  • Detail how this information could positively or negatively impact the charitable cause you've selected and how the selection of your social cause could positively or negatively impact the company and its employees.

Justify your reasoning and cite course materials and articles from your research and the South University Online Library.

Reference no: EM131492378

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