Estimate cost per life saved in zachistan

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Reference no: EM131995574


This exercise consists of a case study of two treatment options for a disease called Arvophillia* and introduction of the newer treatment option in a country called Zachistan*. Based on the details provided in the case study, kindly provide:

1. A Quantitative Analysis of the two treatments to estimate cost per life saved in Zachistan using the new treatment option; please show all your calculations, assumptions and outcomes clearly using Microsoft Excel; cost per life saved is defined as:
Δ $s/ Δ Lives
Δ $s : Additional dollars spent using clairadol instead of huffstatin
Δ Lives: Additional lives saved using clairadol instead of using huffstatin

The following calculations need to be performed to arrive at the final number:
- Number of cases of severe arvophillia (in each age category)
- Cost of drugs and other consumables (under each treatment protocol)
- Total number of lives saved
- Extra cost per additional life saved

2. A PowerPoint Presentation from CHAI aimed at the Ministry of Health, Zachistan, making a case for a new treatment policy for arvophillia. Use the case study as well as outcomes from the quantitative analysis to make a strong argument; kindly keep the number of slides to no more than 5. The following can be used as the broad themes for each slide:
- Articulation of the problem within the context of Republic of Zachistan: 1 slide
- Key background for the new treatment protocol: 1 - 2 slides
- Comparative analysis of the treatment protocols and final recommendation: 1 - 2 slides
- Next steps to be followed: 1 slide

3. A One-Page Memo from CHAI to the Ministry of Health, Zachistan, summarizing clearly the case for the new treatment policy. The following points need to be addressed in the memo:
- The challenge: Disease profile in the country, current treatment protocol and the drawbacks thereof
- The solution: Key facts about the new treatment protocol
- Justification: Persuasive arguments for updating the current treatment guidelines

The total time allocated for this exercise is no more than 3 hours. We recommend you plan to spend the following time on each part of this exercise:
- Reading case study & collating information: 25 to 30 minutes
- Quantitative analysis: 75 to 90 minutes
- Presentation: 30 to 35 minutes
- Memo: 20 to 25 minutes

This case needs to be solved using the information and data provided. As mentioned earlier, the case uses fictitious names so no outside sources or research is required (or needs to be used). If necessary, make assumptions and please report them distinctly.

Attachment:- Case and data.rar

Verified Expert

The solutions in excel sheet are linked why three tab sheet question, working and the solutions. All the information are linked to each sheet they data is derived from the given information. Moreover, the tables are also linked with the formula.

Reference no: EM131995574

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7/26/2018 3:17:47 AM

The challenge being faced in almost all African nations is that there is a long road from the guideline change recommended by WHO to actual policy change and implementation by these countries. One such nation is the Republic of Zachistan which records the third highest deaths from arvophillia. The existing treatment guidelines for the country still do not recommend clairadol as the preferred treatment. The organization is working with the Ministry of Health of Zachistan to advocate for the switch to clairadol preferred treatment for severe arvophillia. The first step in this long process of policy change is to convince the Ministry that the updated WHO guidelines are the right choice for the country and tasked with providing a convincing argument, supported by both strong qualitative analysis and quantitative data, to the Ministry to change the treatment guidelines for severe arvophillia. The Expert is able to complete my requirement in such a short time and the quality of the assignment is definitely surpass what i expected. Thanks


7/26/2018 3:17:18 AM

I would like to know that formula and number for total number of lives saved and cost per life saved ASAP ? Lower risk of hypoglycemia than huffstatin ? Less frequent development of coma than huffstatin ? Less frequent convulsions than huffstatin Programmatic: ? Less burden on health care workers as it does not require rate controlled infusion or cardiac monitoring ? Fewer doses required as the complete treatment with clairadol requires 5 doses whereas treatment with huffstatin requires 10 doses ? More safe than huffstatin treatment where rapid administration is unsafe and needs to be infused over four hours In view of the two clinical trials, NEEDAN and MENDLAK, the World Health Organization (WHO) updated its guidelines for the treatment of severe arvophillia and now recommends: “Clairadol as the preferred treatment for both adults and children in the treatment of Severe Arvophillia”

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