Employment laws apply to personnel recruiting activities

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132307112

1) Explain how equal employment laws apply to personnel recruiting activities.

2) Discuss five main things you would do to recruit and retain a more diverse workforce.

Discussion Part I should be between 150-200 words.  

Reference no: EM132307112

Questions Cloud

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Firms work hard to instill and perpetuate a responsible : Firms work hard to instill and perpetuate a responsible, positive culture.
Employment laws apply to personnel recruiting activities : Explain how equal employment laws apply to personnel recruiting activities.
Develop competitive strategies using information systems : How does porters competitive forces model help companies develop competitive strategies using information systems?
How does the narrative pov influence the impact of the story : How does the narrative pov influence the impact of the story? Both the narrator of the novel and the voice-over commentary of the film (choose one).
Business benefits of holding virtual meetings : Identify two major business benefits of holding virtual meetings, and describe how the benefits are achieved.
Professionals experience when communicating with clients : There are potential difficulties which SCM professionals experience when communicating with clients


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