Driving success in challenging times

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM131490081

Review the Project Management Institute's article titled "Driving success in challenging times" and then answer the following questions. Your responses should be thorough and include at least three references from outside sources (other than your textbook and course materials).


  • How does the article describe the trends in scope? Explain what trends assist customer service growth and why.
  • How do you balance the need to involve clients with the equally important need to freeze project scope in order to complete projects in a timely fashion?
  • In a context characterized by slower economic growth and shifting global markets, explain what trends you believe will emerge as viable and valid.
  • Be 3-4 pages in length, not including cover and reference pages that are required.
  • Be formatted according toAPA Requirements.
  • Cite a minimum of three outside sources two of which should be academic peer-reviewed scholarly sources, to support your responses.

Reference no: EM131490081

Questions Cloud

Discuss some major initiative or change : Discuss some major initiative, or change, or new equipment acquisition that was intended to increase productivity, where "productivity" is broadly defined.
Probability of risks : Identify the risk events, the probability of those risks, and the impact of the risk events risks for each scenario.
What would likely happen to the poverty rate : Recession If we were to enter a period of recession, what would likely happen to the unemployment rate? The inflation rate? The poverty rate?
Beneficial for a project team : When is conflict beneficial for a project team? What can project managers do to manage virtual team members successfully?
Driving success in challenging times : Review the Project Management Institute's article titled "Driving success in challenging times" and then answer the following questions.
Describe structural and technological unemployment : Synthesizing Information Describe structural and technological unemployment and give an example of each. Why are these kinds of unemployment serious problems.
What is the physical address space size : How much memory has the program used when reaching the point where it cannot proceed anymore? What is the physical address space size
Discuss a negotiation that did not result : Write a three- to five-page paper about any negotiation that you have been involved in.
What is the differences between the cpi and the ppi : Comparing and Contrasting What are the similarities and differences between the CPI and the PPI?


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