Drive sales and e-commerce

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133145227

You are excited to start your business. You have just learned about NFTs and how they can be used to drive sales and e- commerce to your business. What NFT would you create? Why? How would this help drive sales (Increase sales)?

Reference no: EM133145227

Questions Cloud

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Explain on pre and post - acquisition profits : Question - Explain on pre and post - acquisition profits and how to account for it in the process of preparation of group consolidation
Explain the ratio analysis : Ratio Analysis - In this section, you will get a better idea regarding the financial position and trend of your firm using financial statements, and make compar
Drive sales and e-commerce : You are excited to start your business. You have just learned about NFTs and how they can be used to drive sales and e- commerce to your business.
Conducting international business in italy : Recommend at least two legal compliance approaches that should be used by companies when conducting international business in Italy
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What business benefits did the companies and services : What business benefits did the companies and services described in this case achieved by analyzing and using big data?
Explain the different roles in an organization : Leadership and management fulfill different roles in an organization. In our study of leadership, five areas crucial to organizational performance have been ide


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