Distribution of scores was approximately

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM131538096

Personnel tests are designed to test a job? applicant's cognitive? and/or physical abilities. A particular dexterity test is administered nationwide by a private testing service. It is known that for all tests administered last? year, the distribution of scores was approximately normal with mean 77 and standard deviation 7.9

a. A particular employer requires job candidates to score at least 83 on the dexterity test. Approximately what percentage of the test scores during the past year exceeded 83??

b. The testing service reported to a particular employer that one of its job? candidate's scores fell at the 95th percentile of the distribution? (i.e., approximately 95?% of the scores were lower than the? candidate's, and only 55?% were? higher). What was the? candidate's score?

Reference no: EM131538096

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