Displays a single character at 100 random screen

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM13165791

Write a program that displays a single character
at 100 random screen locations, with a delay factor of 100 milliseconds.
Hint: set the console window screen height to 200 at runtime, and 
watch the scroll bar jump up and down.

I have this code but I am getting a error on GetMaxXY.

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc


str1 BYTE "Enter a character: ",0
char BYTE ?
rows BYTE ?
cols BYTE ?
randrow BYTE ?
randcol BYTE ?

main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET str1
call writeString
call ReadChar
mov char, al

call crlf
call WriteChar
call crlf

mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,0
mov edx,0

call crlf

call GetMaxXY
mov rows,dh
mov cols,dl

call crlf
call crlf

mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,0
mov edx,0

;creating random numbers

mov ecx,MAX_COUNT ;counter

movzx eax,rows
call RandomRange
mov randrow, al
;call WriteDec

call crlf
mov eax,0

movzx eax,cols
call RandomRange
mov randcol, al
;call WriteDec

call crlf
mov eax,0
mov ebx,0
mov edx,0

mov dh,randrow
mov dl,randcol
call Gotoxy

movzx eax,char
call WriteChar

call crlf
mov eax,0

loop L1

exit ;exiting main.
main ENDP

END main

Reference no: EM13165791

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