Discussion - your role as a human services professional

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Reference no: EM132449786

Discussion: Next Steps in Your Role as a Human Services Professional

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.

-Mahatma Gandhi

Congratulations on finishing this capstone course and on completing the BS in Human Services program! The future is full of opportunities for continued learning, growth, and challenge. What will you do next? Consider an internship? Apply for the Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP) certification? Move into a graduate program? Interview for a job? Will you join the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) and get involved in professional development activities? How will you contribute to the improvement of social conditions for those who are oppressed? How will you use your education to contribute to social change and the greater global good? How might you, even in some small way, change the world?

For this Discussion, you explore how you may have changed personally and professionally throughout the course of this program. You also think about what your next steps will be as you enter the world of human services and how you might advocate for social change.

To Prepare for this Discussion:

Review the web resources, "Human Service-Board Certified Practitioner" and "Human Services-Board Certified Practitioner (HS-BCP); Center for Credentialing Education."
Review the resources from Weeks 1-5 in this course.
Review your coursework from the BS in Human Services program. Reflect on what you have learned from each course.
Reflect on your learning, growth, and development throughout the program. What was easy to understand? What required more thought and examination? What piqued your interest? What do you want more information about?
Think about how you might make a difference in the lives of those you may serve in the human services field.
Think about how you might advocate for social change.
Review the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) website.
Post an explanation of how you may have changed personally and professionally throughout the course of the BS in Human Services program. Then, describe possible next steps in your professional development as a human services professional. Finally, explain how you might advocate for social change in communities, organizations, and the lives of clients as a human services practitioner.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

APA format. times new roman. font size 12

at least 2 quotes. at least 2 references

Attachment:- Human Services Professional.rar

Reference no: EM132449786

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