Discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132872231

Reviewing the concepts of ethnic conflict and totalitarianism:

  • Often students are confused on what constitutes an ethnic conflict. Before you select a topic for this assignment, be sure to review the information below to gain a better understanding of what constitutes Totalitarianism and ethnic conflict.
  • Totalitarianism and ethnic conflict are not the same as violent act committed by a police officer that was officially deemed as being racially motivated. Ethnic conflict is when government has discriminatory policies in place. Slavery and segregation were examples of ethnic conflict. Many students confuse recent events of violence or shooting by police officers on individuals as examples of ethnic conflict. However, not all of those actions were acts of racially motivated violence. In addition, they were committed by individuals in the execution of their job, which are subject to review and oversight (administrative and legal), and if deemed excessive and/or racially motivated, will be sanctioned and prosecuted because they would go against standing policies and laws that do not allow excessive force in the execution of police duties or racially motivated violence against others (by police or any other person). In the 1960s and earlier, we had state governments requiring African Americans to be segregated. This was an example of ethnic conflict. We do not have government policy in this country today promoting the harassment or killing of people because of their race.
  • If a person kills another person, it is a legal issue. If the killing took place because of the race of the person, it is also a hate crime. It is not designated as ethnic conflict. Topics centered on racial inequity such as Black Lives Matter, while important and viable topics in the context of race relations and social justice, are not the same as ethnic conflict in Totalitarian regimes and so are not appropriate topics for this assignment.


Question 1: Write a paper on a current event article that discusses restrictions on freedoms by a totalitarian state or an article on ethnic conflict within a nation. Summarize the article and explain why this issue is important to the global community. What outside influences might help change this issue? How? Is the article neutral? Why or why not?

Reference no: EM132872231

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