Discussed seven hats so why are we discussing eight hats

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Reference no: EM132407083

Last week we discussed "seven hats" so why are we discussing "eight hats" this week. As our concepts and theories evolve, we adapt our assessments to fit the new model. Kirk's (2012) "eight hats of data visualization design" was influenced by Edward de Bono's six thinking hats. However, last week we discussed "seven hats." What changed from Kirk's 2012 book to his 2016 book? This week we will discuss the similarities and differences of Kirk's (2012, 2016) hats. (Chapter 2 of the ebook is in the online course room)


Kirk, A. (2012). Data Visualization: A Successful Design Process. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. pg: 45-51.

Kirk, A. (2016). Data Visualisation: A Handbook for Data Driven Design (p. 50). SAGE Publications

Attachment:- Chapter 2-Data Visualization Successful Design Process.rar

Reference no: EM132407083

Questions Cloud

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What is adverse selection when it comes to health insurance : What is "adverse selection" when it comes to health insurance? To what extent does your company engage in e-commerce on the Internet?
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Many businesses migrating to use cloud technologies : You summarize the security and governance challenges that exist with incorporating BYOD in an environment that is migrating to the Cloud.
Discussed seven hats so why are we discussing eight hats : We discussed "seven hats" so why are we discussing "eight hats" this week. As our concepts and theories evolve, we adapt our assessments to fit the new model.
Defines critical infrastructure as assets systems-networks : The textbook defines critical infrastructure as "the assets' systems and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital that their incapacitation
Where do you see future of information technology heading : What are your research interests in the area of Information Technology? Where do you see the future of Information Technology heading?
What type of critical infrastructure data collection : Identify what type of critical infrastructure data collection is needed for pavement and storm water management facilities.
Create a policy to serve as governance document : Create a policy to serve as a governance document that allow employees to bring their own devices to connect to the corporate network


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