Discuss the prime ethical and governing issues

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Reference no: EM131694320 , Length: word count:1500

Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Assignment - Case Study Analysis

Assessment Description

The purpose of this individual case study analysis is to further your skills in applying relevant Hospitality and Tourism analysis tools. It will also test your ability to identify a range of Hospitality and Tourism related problems and it's ethical implications. This will enable you to apply ethical standards to a variety of situations arising in the Hospitality and Tourism Context.

You are to watch the following video: Vanuatu's Broken Dreams.

In preparing your analysis, you must answer the following questions:

1. Identify and discuss the prime ethical and governing issues presented in the Vanuatu's Broken Dream video.

2. Did PO Cruises act ethically in this case? Justify your answer.

3. Who should be responsible for rectifying issued that you have identified? Why? Explain your reasoning.

4. Discuss how Australian and/or Vanuatu's governments could have resolved identified issues. Justify your answer.

5. Suggest at least three recommendations to overcome such issues in the future.

You are required to reference at least 8 sources of information. These may include corporate websites, government publications, industry reports, census data, journal articles, newspaper articles, and textbook material. In referencing sources, you must apply Harvard Referencing Style to your in-text citations and consequently to the reference list.

Attachment:- Video.rar

Reference no: EM131694320

Questions Cloud

Review problem of the wells fargo bank : Wells Fargo Bank, based in San Francisco, offered the option of applying for a loan over the Internet. If a random sample of 200 test runs of the service.
Difference between the average molecular speed : Since there is a small difference between the average molecular speed µavg and the root mean squared (rms) speed µrms we can assume
What would you advise mr frank to do : What would you advise Mr. Frank to do? Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the system each company uses. - Diagram the flow of costs
Briefly describe a small business : Briefly describe a small business you could envision yourself owning and discuss the most appropriate source of debt capital
Discuss the prime ethical and governing issues : HAT201 Introduction to Hospitality and Tourism Assignment. Identify and discuss the prime ethical and governing issues presented in Vanuatu's Broken Dream video
What is the minimum sample size : An estimate of the percentage defective in a lot of pins supplied by a vendor is desired to within 1% with a 90% confidence level.
Sliding friction and air resistance : If sliding friction and air resistance (drag) is 99.5 N, find the acceleration of the sled. In addition, how much force does the football player need
Describe the key industry success factors : Describe the key industry success factors. Go beyond the surface description and be sure to provide evidence wherever possible. Keep this at the industry level.
Create a common identity among the colonists : The idea that state power denied liberty, that a ruler's power should be limited, and the people should play a role in their government is called



10/27/2017 6:38:40 AM

Australian student, total 1500 words. Please make it simple, don't put any hard word which is hard to understand, please watch the youtube video and then answer, link is in the file. Assignment Submission - This file must be submitted as a ‘PDF’ document to avoid any technical issues that may occur from incorrect file format upload. Uploaded files with a virus will not be considered as a legitimate submission. Turnitin will notify you if there is any issue with the submitted file. In this case, you must contact your lecturer via email and provide a brief description of the issue and a screen shot of the Turnitin error message.


10/27/2017 6:38:35 AM

You analyse and interpret the issues articulately and convincingly. You have drawn dynamic, comprehensive and convincing recommendations. It is clearly obvious that your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and range of scholarly sources. Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors. Your analysis is professionally presented and exceeds expectations in what is evidently suitable for a highgrade commercial environment In-text referencing and the resultant reference list are correct, with no errors.

Write a Review

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