Discuss the main ways in which you would apply a concept map

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Reference no: EM131748835

Discussion: "Questions and Concept Maps"

Respond to the following:

• At the end of Chapter 6 in the text, Ghaye mentions seven characteristics that support strengths-based reflection. The third characteristic focuses on the importance of questioning with this statement: "We live in the world our questions create." Provide one real or hypothetical example which supports the statement. Note: When incorporating information from the workplace, be sure to remove all identifying information such as the name of the organization, the names of individual affiliates, and sensitive or proprietary information.

• Share a concept map that you created in your previous coursework, and discuss the key ways in which you have used or would use a concept map in order to improve your professional practice. If you do not have a concept map from previous courses, discuss the main ways in which you would apply a concept map within your educational / work environment.

Reference no: EM131748835

Questions Cloud

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What is the balance in the allowance for doubtful accounts : If Jones estimates that 1.5% of net sales will become uncollectible, prepare the December 31,2014 entry to record the bad debt expense.
Discuss the main ways in which you would apply a concept map : Discuss the main ways in which you would apply a concept map within your educational / work environment.
Define what was the role of general wu sangui : With respect to the ascendance of the Manchu Dynasty, what was the role of General Wu Sangui
Prepare a multi-step statement of comprehensive income : The following items were taken from the adjusted trial balance of the Bremeur Corporation on 31 December 20×5. Assume an average 20% income tax on all items.
How are the topics of the two articles related : Research at least two articles on the topic of mobile computing and its business implications.
Analyze the information from the case study : Analyze the information from the case study, and be sure to address the following information in your response to the case study.


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