Discuss some of the differences between jails and prisons

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Reference no: EM132418601

Assignment: APA Style

300 words

2 peer-reviewed resources

Topic 1: Jails versus Prisons

Discuss some of the differences between jails and prisons. Please note in your response why jails are necessary. In your opinion, what is the future of jails?

Topic 2: Prison Alternatives

Please find a study that evaluates a non-custodial specific program and summarize the finding for the class. What are the elements of the program that make it effective or not?

Reference no: EM132418601

Questions Cloud

What is the equation for finding out payback period : What is the equation for finding out payback period as well as Net Present value?
Determine the dollar amount of ocean city kite : Ocean City Kite Company manufactures & sells kites for $7.50 each. The variable cost per kite is $2.50 with the current annual sales volume of 70,000 kites.
What is your understanding of jails : What is your understanding of jails, and why they are necessary? Justify your reasoning. Present some of the advantages and disadvantages of treatment programs.
Actual total direct labor cost-frontera company : What is the actual total direct labor cost for the current period? What is the actual total direct labor cost?
Discuss some of the differences between jails and prisons : Discuss some of the differences between jails and prisons. Please note in your response why jails are necessary. In your opinion, what is the future of jails?
Submit a report to the manager responding : Submit a report to the manager responding to each of her questions. Use cost volume profit concepts in developing your response.
What impact might the subculture have on corrections : Discuss the correctional officer subculture and why this subculture exists. What impact might this subculture have on corrections?
What are the pros and cons of div a choosing : Div A and Div B are two departments in the Wik company. Div A can their walls painted by an external firm for $20,000 or get it done by Div B for $27,000.
Describe the steps to maintain individual self-care : Describe how you would maintain professional boundaries in this situation. Describe the steps you would take to maintain individual self-care.


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