Discuss sex reassignment surgery

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Reference no: EM131684646

How would I formulate a research question from the following information:

The symptoms of gender dysphoria include depression, anxiety, and stress. What I want to know is whether adolescents who have been treated with medication to suppress puberty and then had sex reassignment surgery still experienced the symptoms of gender dysphoria mentioned previously. The idea behind my question is that if the symptoms do not dissipate after surgery, children and adolescents with gender dysphoria can prolong sex reassignment surgery until after puberty, giving them the chance to be sure that they are not happy with their body and that they want to still transition. Psychologists could offer alternatives to puberty suppression which ensures children and adolescents are not making decisions they cannot reverse later. Please help me ask a research question using this information and help me formulate a hypothesis.

I think I can formulate a hypothesis once I have a strong research question.

Reference no: EM131684646

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