Discuss methods on how to hide information on victim systems

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Reference no: EM132505124

Discussion 1: Privacy Policy

After reviewing the material in the Reading & Study folder for Module/Week 7, address the following, integrating biblical perspectives where appropriate: What other ways of writing privacy policies exist? For example, are there useful ways to combine BMA and Chinese Wall? Are there any ways, whether technical or economic, of aligning the data subject's interest with those of the system operator and other stakeholders?

You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided topic for each forum. Each thread is to be 300 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge. In addition to the thread, you are required to reply to 2 other classmates' threads. Each reply must be 150 words.

Discussion 2: Hidden Content

Thread: Discuss methods on how to hide information on victim systems that will make forensic analysis more difficult. Also, share the value of being the light Jesus talks about in Matthew 5:14 by bringing hidden information into the light.

Replies: For your replies, respond to a minimum of 2 classmates, identifying at least one strength or weakness, or by adding a related thought to the conversation.

You are required to create a thread in response to the provided prompt. Each thread must be at least 300 words and include at least 1 scholarly source other than the course materials. You must also reply toa minimum of 2 other classmates' threads. Each reply must be at least 100 words and include at least 1 scholarly source other than the course material. All sources must be cited in current APA format.

There must also be an appropriate incorporation of Judeo-Christian worldview/analysis and biblical principles in both the thread and the replies.

Reference no: EM132505124

Questions Cloud

Define what leadership is to you : Define what leadership is to you. Share a personal experience that informed your thoughts about health care leadership. List the traits of an authentic leader.
What is the company total annual cost of hiring employee : EI to the government, as the employer's contribution for payroll taxes. What is the company's total annual cost of hiring this employee?
Diagram of the foreign exchange market for dollar : How does the diagram of the foreign exchange market for dollar (effect of supply and/or demand for dollar) change when interest rates in the U.S. rise
How using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help : Describe the client's assets and resources in order to understand the client's resilience. Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help.
Discuss methods on how to hide information on victim systems : Discuss methods on how to hide information on victim systems that will make forensic analysis more difficult. Also, share the value of being the light Jesus.
Should we continue to measure gdp as we do now : Should we continue to measure GDP as we do now? If you don't think it should be changed, explain your reasoning. If you think it should be changed
What was the total cost of the function : According to the activity-based costing system, what was the total cost (including the costs of raw ingredients) of the function mentioned.
Describe a tradeoff you have made in terms : What choice did you make with your money or time? Why did you make that choice?
Record required adjusting entry to record interest expense : Record the required adjusting entry to record interest expense as of 12/31/17 as any required DTA or DTL. On January 1, 2017, Numo issued a five-year, $400,000


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